Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ginger Gets a Kill

This morning Ginger and I headed to the woods as usual as is our normal routine. The morning was nice. Not too cold, but the sky was starting to cloud up. We did our normal route through the woods towards the camp site. When we got there I was fiddling around with the fire ring as Ginger did her normal wandering to and fro.

Suddenly I heard what sounded like the squeak of one of her toys and I looked up and it looked like she had a toy in her mouth. I quickly figured out it was a baby rabbit and each time she would chomp, it would squeak. I yelled at her to drop it and of course she did exactly the opposite. I chased her around the woods for a bit until she finally dropped the poor thing and I was able to get to her.

The baby was pretty much done for. It looked like it couldn't move its hind feet and was most likely in pain and not for this world much longer.

I pulled my neck knife and quickly dispatched it by cutting off its head. I took the baby back to the camp site and quickly skinned and gutted it. There was no sense in wasting the poor thing, so I took the small carcass home with the liver, heart and kidneys and stewed the whole lot up. I mixed it all up in Ginger's dinner as it was her kill.

Later, we did our second walk into the woods and as we came around the circle I saw the tell tail sing of a cotton tail running off to my right. Ginger was on the left and didn't see it, so I stayed quiet and she never noticed. As we were almost done with our walk and after Ginger was back on the leash we say one more rabbit and Ginger appeared to see it too, but she didn't even try to go for it. Maybe she had enough killing for one day.

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