Monday, January 30, 2012

Last Friday

Well, last Friday produced no blog entry. It was kind of a busy day. We spent the work hours finishing up the week long meeting with the Gold Badges. I then headed down to Oakland sitting in just a little bit of traffic. I checked into the hotel, returned the car then got everything ready for the next day's travel. I never got around to posting an entry.

The week was good. We talked about a lot of issues and made lots of good decisions. I had some good workouts and actually went running three times and I haven't been on a good run in months.

The trip home was much better then the trip out and I was home by dinner time. Yesterday was a relaxing day. We went over to the club and I played a few games of wallyball for a good workout.

I took today off to finish my recharge and had a little fire in the woods with Ginger. We had some sushi for lunch and I will be heading to the gym soon for an all around workout.

Let's see what I can post this Friday.

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