Saturday, February 18, 2012

We're tied to each other for life

Yesterday's visit to the dermatologist wasn't very fun. In 2001 I had a mole removed that was pathologically determined to be Melanoma. I didn't think it was such a big fuckin deal, but I guess it was. I went through quarterly skin checks after they cut a 9cm slice of my skin ten years ago and for quite a while everything was fine. Everything was benign and hunky dorrie. Until now...

A few months ago I noticed a mole that seemed to spring up overnight and become quite prominent on my arm. I figured I should better get it checked out and assumed it would be the same as usual, benign. Until now...

I'm pretty fucked up right now. First it was helping my bride go through her ordeal with her cyst and all that shit, now I have this to deal with. Plus my back has decide to go out on me and I'm doing everything I can to stay NORMAL. What is that???

I continue on. I am never defeated. I never give up. I fight to the end. Let's just hope that the end isn't "near".

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