Tuesday, December 25, 2012


I have said it many times, that my superpower is that I cook by instinct.  I feel my way through a recipe, tasting and smelling as I concoct my meals.  Sometimes doing justice to the foodstuffs I handle, sometimes coming short.  I use the shortcomings as a lesson to improve.  I revel in the successes and enjoy the meal with those I love.

Today we make the Christmas dinner.  I wanted to do a turkey again.  Thanksgiving's turkey was haphazard and unruly.  It tasted good in the end and was quite juicy, but I felt there were too many cooks in the kitchen for that bird.  We had a few fits and starts that called for some adjustment, but in the end, we had good fowl.

I realized as I read the instructions that come with the bird that I also cook with tradition.  I do the things my Mother did and I carry on her legacy.  The instructions say no water in the pan, but that is what I make the gravy from.  I baste every so often and I always cook a stuffed bird.  There is more that I do based on what my Mother did and I never have gone wrong following her lead.

Tonight's dinner is looking to be as tasty as ever.  I can't wait to dig in...

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